Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 3: Put the Lime with the Coconut

II flipped through the next few pages of my book, looking for the next thing to sketch.  I tried a few ideas here and there, but nothing seemed to be working.  I was staring into space for a bit, thinking of what to sketch for today, when I noticed the lime floating in my beer.  Aha!
I love lime. Limeade, Key Lime Pie, the color lime.  Heck, my car is a variation of lime green! On top of that, I used to be pretty decent at drawing 'citrus fruits' for my drawing class back in college.

(This one was from my Advanced Drawing class.  I titled it 'Orange'. Very creative, I know.)  Anyway, after 2 Zumba classes in as many days, and spending an entire day at the computer editing photos (my other job), I was enjoying my Corona after dinner, and that's what afforded me the inspiration for today's sketch.  So, Corona, here's to you!

(I'd much rather be drinking my Corona on a beach like this!)

My Corona-inspired sketch:

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